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Design a Poster

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To ensure each poster we print is high quality and free of preventable errors, we have curated a checklist to verify on your poster file before submitting your order and a list of resources to aid you in designing your poster.

We only have one requirement for all poster submission: All file submissions must be PDFs.

student trimming poster

Before You Submit

  • Confirm the canvas/slide size of your poster is set to the same dimensions you are requesting the poster to be printed.
  • Spellcheck your poster.
  • Review your file to ensure image quality. We recommend opening the file in Preview or Adobe Acrobat and zooming into 100% to check for any blurriness or image overlap.
  • Document resolution should be set between 150 - 300 dpi (dots per inch)

Design Resources

Common Poster sizesTemplate File
24" x 36"24" x 36" Poster Template
42" x 36"42" x 36" Poster Template
44" x 44"44" x 44" Poster Template
44" x 56"44" x 56" Poster Template

How-to guides

To learn how to verify your file dimensions before submitting it, follow the instructions linked below: