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Find Software and Computers

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As a Stanford student, many software applications are available to use for free on Stanford cluster computers or on your personal computer using Stanford-sponsored licenses. 

Cluster computers are the iMacs located in The Hub as well as other study spaces and your local residence. Many pre-installed software applications are configured for the classes that use them. The same software is also available on the remote virtual desktop and on loaner laptops available from the Tech Desk.

Desktop Computers

Desktop computers with pre-installed software are available in the residences and central study spaces.

Borrow a Laptop

macOS laptops are available for temporary loans at The Tech Desk.

Virtual Desktop

Stanford affiliates can remotely log into a Windows or macOS virtual desktop with their Stanford account. 

Find Software on Cluster Computers

Search for software using the keyword search on the Tech Resources & Support website (aka "TechSource"). The search box below will show results on the TechSource website.